Tuesday, September 22, 2009


After さとうーせんせい showed us some of our classmate's first posts I was like, wow, mine was really boring.
So here's a picture of Ponyo that I made. (Why is she in water? Because she's a goldfish! Actually, I just can't draw feet.) (Also my scanner is not working so I'm sorry for the bad quality photo.)
I am a big fan of Miyazaki-san. His latest movie, Ponyo (ガけのうえのぽにょ), is still out in theaters. You can buy cheap tickets at the CUArts Booth in Lerner (いくらでせか。ななえん です!やすい。)If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it! It's very cute and has lots of beautiful imagery. My favorite movie by Miyazaki-san is still Spirited Away (せんとちひろのかみかくし ), but isn't everyone's?


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